Hi My name is Anil Aggarwal. This article is to show Before and After of townhouse project flipped in East Brunswick New Jersey. When I bought this property on auction, I thought I made mistake. Believe it or not, but most of my projects that I flipped or won, I never saw it before. Since I parted myself from corporate jobs year 2017, I did as of today 13 flips in past 3 years and now educating others and sharing knowledge. Anyway, let’s talk about this project.
#insurance #learning #learning #project #leader Sharing project flipped after complete renovation in East Brunswick. Many learning lessons.
1) Never give up
2) Learn how you can use IRA and /or Index Insurance funds to use towards your flips
3) Try to keep YES once you said YES. or don’t change your decision and stick to it. God will help
4) Do your best and use excel to document as if you lose, you will learn to guide yourself or others and if you win, you will lead and shine like leader.
5) This project bought by single mom with two kids. Buyer will enjoy project for 30 years so technically she will stretch her todays’ dollars for 30 years so claiming appreciation while claiming depreciation and beating inflation.
Ask me to partner. Bitly.com/retire4free enjoy whatever left in life. Don’t give up. My Goal, go with shine and smile and leave name and fame for kids so they don’t need to run 9 to 9 till 65 for others.
This was also one of those as I believe, if you know too much then fear creeps in and making this decision making difficult.
I end up winning this project on auction while bidding again only one bidder for $201k.
After winning, when I came to see, I kind of got shocked as project was kind of total gut. It had nothing. No gas, ligjht , heat and nothing

I bought this in May 2021 and then it took me 3 months to get light and heat and thereafter , with due deligence and thanks to cost cutting with effective manner, I was able to get this project ready and now I sold this today for $285k.
IT made me learn many things while doing this
Most I learnt while going over this.
- I took money from my IRA account. As I sold it today so in next 3 days, I will move all money back to IRA , keeping my profit
- I usually take hard money but this project I took no funding so managed to flip it myself.
- Anyone needs to learn or partner then ping me at https://bitly.com/retire4free
Now see pictures of project as sold today